Social Activities

Social Activities

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Over the last two years COVID-19 has put a restriction on the number of activities in which homeowners can get involved. 

However, this situation has started to improve. We have an ‘Activities’ notice board to remind individuals of what is happening and when. 

The regular ones are: -

  • Social Chit Chat/Gossip/Banter/

Exchange of views – This takes place every day in the lounge over a hot or cold drink before lunch and early evening. The circle is growing. 

  • Indoor Bowls – On a Thursday morning at 10 am. 

  • Quiz Night – 1st Wednesday of the month. Early evening. £1 for prizes. 

  • Table Tennis – Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am onwards

  • Keep Fit – Tuesdays 10:30am – 11:30am. Water to quench your thirst. 

  • Bingo – 1st Tuesday of the month. Early evening. £1 for prizes. 

  • Film Night – Fridays and Saturdays 6pm. Selection of films can be made from Netflix, Amazon Prime and the video library. 

The other ad hoc games/pastimes/social activities are: -

  • Jig-saw puzzles – Left on a table for anyone to slot in pieces.
  • Scrabble – Left on a table for anyone to add words.
  • Chess – Left on a table for anyone to make the next move. 

  • Cheese and Wine evenings – Every 3/4 months organised by Gerry B. 

  • Rummikub – On a games afternoon organised by Margaret R. 

  • Carrom – On sufficient interest organised by David M. 

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