How to set Hall/Shower room Thermostats

How to set Hall & Shower Room Thermostats

Hall Thermostat

The hall thermostat, by your apartment’s entrance door, is marked in degrees C. For the heating to work the button to the left of the temperature dial must be pressed in. 

When the hall temperature is below that set by the thermostat, a red light to the left of the temperature dial will appear. This indicates that the underfloor heating of the hall has been activated. 

As soon as the required temperature of the hall has been reached that light will turn to green and the heating switched off. 

This light will stay green until the temperature goes below the setting, at this point the heating will come back on and the light will turn red

Shower Room Thermostat

The shower room thermostat, outside the entrance to your shower room, is marked in numbers from 1 to 6. Three equates to 20°C. For the heating to work the button to the left of the temperature dial must be pressed in. 

When the shower room temperature is below that set by the thermostat, a red light to the left of the temperature dial will appear. This indicates that the underfloor heating of the shower room has been activated. 

As soon as the required temperature of the shower room has been reached that light will turn to green and the heating switched off. 

This light will stay green until the temperature goes below the setting, at this point the heating will come back on and the light will turn red

Heated Towel Rail

The heated towel rail, in the shower room, is activated by the switch in the hallway. 

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